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I first heard about these questions on Ed Mylett’s podcast but I think they may have originated from Tony Robbins. Wherever these questions came from, THEY WORK. Here are the 7 things I ask myself when I wake up to feel happier, grateful, focused and ready to take on my day. What am I most […]
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So, you have a job that you’re not really digging and you’re interested in doing something completely different, but you have no idea where to start? I get you. And I have been there. I also didn’t know how I change jobs, industries, and my career in the direction that I wanted it to go. […]
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I started meditating about three years ago, when I was looking for answers about who I was and what I wanted out of life. I had just quit my job and moved to Los Angeles in search of sunny happiness, only to find myself waking up depressed about three weeks into the journey. I learned […]
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Prime Day is still going strong! Yesterday, I put together a list of work, travel, and health & wellness favorites. Today, I’m back with all of my favorite skincare and beauty finds from the sale! I’m talking everything from my facial steamer that I use on the reg to my favorite lip balm with SPF […]
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It’s Amazon Prime Day! If you’re not familiar with it- it’s basically two days a year that Amazon puts a WHOLE LOT of stuff on sale. It’s kind of like Black Friday in July. And because there are so many incredible deals, I put together a list of my favorite finds from the sale! […]
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If you send emails for your eCommerce company, coaching group, newsletter subscribers, product business, or anything in between, you know the sting of sending something that doesn’t get opened and read. It’s sort of like throwing a note in a bottle into the ocean that no one ends up finding. ???? Wait- that totally does […]
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If you’re at a job you hate and you want out, you can get out! And it doesn’t have to be as daunting of a task as it might seem. To cut to the chase, I was able to quit my 9-5 corporate job by cutting my expenses way down and starting to freelance. Going […]
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I kind of feel like a hypocrite saying this. There have been many times, and there still are many times, when I don’t “just go for it.” Times when I talk myself out of doing something by making up some ridiculous excuse to not move forward. It doesn’t benefit me. It kind of just keeps […]
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Nothing can really prepare us for losing someone we love. The shock, pain, grief, and confusion of it all are all foreign concepts until they show up in our lives. And it can be extremely hard to navigate all of these emotions. But grieving and healing, coupled with resolve, positivity, and strength, can be the […]
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I’ve been trying to become a morning person for three years. More specifically, someone who wakes up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 5 AM. I tried it on and off for years. It wasn’t working. I would wake up early one day, stay up late the next, and go right back to my normal schedule of […]
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Not to sound dramatic, but my mornings have become a pretty sacred time for me over the past few years. Figuring out my morning routine has been a slow process of trial and error, with my main goal being to set up a morning that allows me to calm, reset, focus on gratitude, spark creativity, […]
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I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite parts of traveling is trying amazing new food. Whether it’s a bright pink dragon fruit smoothie bowl that tastes like cotton candy in Bali or smokey mushroom tacos with the best guac ever in Meixco, it takes a little bit of prep work […]
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Ok… so this is kind of a trick, but, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Paying $17 at the airport for a sadder than sad garden salad or eating something you usually don’t eat because it makes you feel like crap but you have no other options does not sound fun. And I […]
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There are so many amazing knowledge-building resources out there: books, podcasts, audiobooks, blogs, social media… this list definitely does not stop there. When I’m running, have a long car ride, or getting ready in the morning, I love listening to podcasts and audiobooks. My favorite topics range from business to marketing to healthy living to […]
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What’s up guys? How is your week going? I’m currently in Virigina, working and visiting my boyfriend. I drove up with him last weekend and have been here for about a week. I’m finally starting to feel settled. It always takes me a minute to get adjusted. On to today’s topic- TRAVELING! I started dreaming […]
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What’s up, guys?! How is your week going? I’m in Florida right now (Ocala), pretty much just grinding. I’ve been here for the month of March and have found myself in a pretty healthy routine, which always helps me to feel happy and calm. Now, on to today’s topic: PODCASTS! When I first set out […]
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Freelancer? Entrepreneur? Work-from-home? Do you desperately miss social interaction? I did. When I first entered the world of self-employment, I was pumped on the flexibility, being my own boss, and having the ability to set my own schedule. While these things are all fantastic, I started to realize the social impact of my decision and the […]
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Happy 2018! This time of year always seems to bring out some major feels. Either reflecting on the year we just said goodbye to or getting pumped for the year in front of us, January feels like the perfect time to reflect, reevaluate and get inspired. Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? Have […]
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Merry Christmas! Since the holidays are here, I’ve been baking a lot. It’s the one time of year (this and Thanksgiving) when I indulge in sugar- usually in the form of coconut sugar. I usually don’t consume it, which started a few years ago and has been a decision I’m very happy with. I […]
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I’m not going to get it twisted here and claim that holiday sweets aren’t delicious. Because they are. But they’re also a little heavy and a few days of holiday parties/dinners/work things can leave you feeling less than stellar. This grab and go snack-breakfast-dessert will pretty much make you feel the opposite of that. Light, healthy, […]
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