anxiety reducing, magnesium boosting smoothie

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  This green smoothie will get you through the most hectic, busiest, super stressful times of the year. I like to start up my days of a holiday party/dinner/etc with a giant green smoothie for breakfast. (I started drinking this over Thanksgiving weekend for breakfast each morning.) You might be tempted to skip food all […]

Cauliflower Crust Vegan Pizza

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  I’m coming at you today with a healthy, dairy-free, gluten-free, vegan pizza that is straight up fall! Maybe it’s the savory butternut squash sauce, maybe it’s the roasted veggies, but either way it’s all kinds of tasty. Don’t let the cauliflower crust scare you; this pizza does not have to be complicated! If you’re able […]

VEGAN unicorn frappucino

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  Last week, everyone went bonkers over the Unicorn Frappuccino at Starbucks. Most likely created with Instagram posts in mind (props to Starbuck’s marketing team), the drink is cute, fun, and a seemingly-awesome welcome drink for May. Except that the second ingredient in the drink’s blue syrup is sugar, it’s made with an f*ton of dairy products (a […]

gluten free vegan cadbury cream eggs

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  If you’re vegan and/or gluten-free, you might sometimes feel like family and friend get-togethers can be lacking  in the food department, especially if your family and friends aren’t familiar with eating a plant-based diet. It might seem frustrating, but it can actually be a kickass opportunity for you to show your loved ones how insanely good vegan food can […]

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  Taking a trip to Paris and nervous about vegan options? I was too. I’ve always dreamed about going to Paris- the romantic streets, beautiful architecture, and crazy shopping areas were all things I wanted to experience. So after seeing a good deal on Secret Flying, I finally got to visit the city in January. It was cold and rainy at […]

pb&j collard wrap

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  Peanut butter & jelly on a collard leaf? What the what?? So this combo might sound weird but is actually really freaking tasty. Along with three other awesome collard wrap recipes, the video above is all about quick and easy gluten-free vegan (mostly raw) lunch options. If you have the sauces and quinoa prepped in advance, […]


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Happy holidays!! Are you looking for any last minute thoughtful gifts for loved ones? A sweet treat is always an awesome option, whether that means yummy cranberry loaf, tasty cookies, or this veganized peppermint bark. This bark is my personal fav because it packs up so well, looks super cute, and is easy to make. On a personal note, I […]

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There’s nothing better than a deliciously yummy, fun-to-snack on appetizer at a holiday dinner. It gives guests something to gather around and enjoy conversation over while you’re finishing up the main dishes. These vegan hummus dips are easy to make, super clean, and an overall awesome way to start a holiday dinner. They’re also perfect to bring to someone else’s dinner because […]

vegan pumpkin roll

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The holidays have officially arrived and with that usually comes PUMPKIN! Do you have any favorite holiday pumpkin food or drinks? My mom made pumpkin roll every holiday season growing up, which inspired today’s recipe. It’s a gluten-free, vegan (BOMB) version of the classic holiday dessert. It’s free of any processed sugar, nutrient-lacking white flour, or unhealthy dairy add-ins […]


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  Did you ever notice that it can be tough to eat healthy when traveling? I think the key to success with this is packing healthy portable vegan snacks. Instead of relying on finding healthy options at restaurants or convenience stores, you’re guaranteed healthy eats when you pack them yourself. These simple three ingredient peanut butter balls are an […]

vanilla cream kale chips

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  Snacking is awesome, but the feeling after eating an f-ton of tortilla chips is not. Enter the light, tasty, BAKED substitute that is kale chips! They’re packed with tons of healthy flavonoids which help with inflammation and lowering oxidative stress in the body, as well as fiber which helps with your digestion. Plus, kale chips are packed […]

gluten-free vegan zucchini lasagna

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  This recipe is such an awesome way to get into eating meatless meals if you’re currently trying to get into a vegan lifestyle. If you are already vegan, this recipe is a fantastic way to show any of your meat-eater family or friends that eating a vegan diet does not mean depriving yourself of tasty […]


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  Have you ever fallen into the I-need-coffee-in-the-morning-to-function rut? If yes, me too! And that’s really not fun (and almost annoying) to be completely reliant on a stimulant to wake up. So, if you’re game, I have a challenge for you. Try this three ingredient (five minute) smoothie for breakfast for five days straight without coffee. […]

vegan protein ice cream

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  If you eat a plant-based diet, you’ve probably been asked where you get your protein from(or you’ve seen memes about it). This question can seem a little crazy to plant eaters, because protein comes in so many different plant forms. Beans, quinoa, peas, chickpeas, and leafy greens are just a few sources. If your diet is a […]

raw mint chocolate chip smoothie

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  This is a rockstar drink for summer mornings. It’s refreshing, energizing, minty, and packed with healthy carbs. Feel free to pack it with as many bananas or as much fresh water as you want!

how to pack a vegan lunch

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One thing I’ve realized which is crucial to eating healthy while on the go is to ALWAYS PACK SNACKS! It takes about 10 minutes at night to set yourself up for success the next day. Here’s a few tips on how to pack a vegan lunch.

chocolate cherry green smoothie bowl 2

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  I always feel fantastic after eating greens in my smoothies. I’m not sure if it’s the hit of nutrients from the greens or the instant hydration, but if you can add them to your mid-day smoothie, do it! This bowl is unique in that it does not taste green whatsoever. The chocolate and cherries are a great […]

gluten-free plant-based vegan holiday

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Happy holidays! Before I get into the plant-based vegan holiday meal prep details, I wanted to let you know that I’ve created a new YouTube channel which will be completely dedicated to plant-based food!(YouTube username: Lauren Vacula) I’ll be posting gluten-free plant-based recipes, tips and tricks, thoughts, and plant-based travel finds on this channel and I […]


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My love of the acai bowl was probably born out of my love for ice cream. After I stopped eating dairy a few years ago, I discovered that pretty much any frozen fruit can be converted into “ice cream” with the right blender. I use a heavy duty Vitamix, but a food processor will work.  You can also […]

naturally sweetened granola coconut cashew 4 D

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Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to curb my sugar addiction. The first step was to cut out any white refined sugar in my diet. I switched to more natural sugars like maple syrup and coconut sugar for awhile, but I’ve noticed that as I was still making baked treats and granola with these […]

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