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Is yummy vegan camping food possible? You bet it is! I don’t know about you, but it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been camping. Like 20+ years long. My family and I used to go when my sis and I were little, and then at some point, my mom got kinda got sick of […]
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Is there anything better than a really good piece of dark chocolate? How about a plant-based, naturally-sweetened, dark chocolate?! You can find a LOT of different types of chocolate out there- from dark to milk to healthy to not so healthy. And while lots of these chocolates taste really good- the after effects of eating […]
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Overnight oats that are also packed with superfoods!? Let me introduce you to Maca Overnight Oats… Do you ever really crave something comforting in the morning for breakfast? Like on some days- a smoothie feels incredible. But then there are those other days… The kind of days when you just want something that feels comforting […]
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This post has been a long time coming. As a lover of hot drinks while working, I’ve struggled with that 3pm workday *what should I drink right now* zone. For me, 3pm is way too freaking late to drink caffeine. Whenever I’ve done this, I end up rolling around in bed at night cursing myself […]
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Maca came into my life when I was researching caffeine-free energy substitutes for an afternoon drink. I wanted something that I could have after 3pm that was tasty, healthy, and wouldn’t keep me up until 3am. What I found was maca. It has a sort of butterscotch-caramel-nutty flavor that works really well in smoothies. And […]
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Green smoothies can be kind of intimidating at first. (The same goes for a green smoothie bowl!) The first time I ever tried a green smoothie I was (for sure) expecting it to taste like grass. Surprisingly (but not really at all)- the way your green smoothie tastes completely depends on what you put into […]
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Cacao is like a hidden gem of the health world. You get all the chocolate-y vibes, but WAY more nutrients that regular cocoa powder. If you love chocolate, you need to know about cacao. I’ve been a chocolate-lover since I was little. My family was a huge fan of Hershey’s- I mean we even had […]
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There’s nothing better than having a good snack available when that 3pm hungry strikes. But you don’t want to completely mess up your day, and nothing does that better than having something that makes you feel like crap. That’s why these Raw Cacao Energy Balls are so perfect. They’re sweet, chocolatey and super filling, but […]
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Did you used to mess with a chocolate milkshake as a kid? I definitely, DEFINITELY did. My dad was kind of an expert chocolate milkshake maker. He had this whole process involving chocolate ice cream, Hershey’s syrup, Nesquik, an ice cold stainless steel cup, and a special spoon (which he named “MY SPOON). His milkshakes […]
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Is vegan collagen a thing? Is it possible to get collagen in a cruelty-free plant-based option? Let’s dive in… ???? At some point, you’ve probably heard of collagen and asked yourself what the heck it is. You’ve also probably seen it in grocery stores, in nutrition supplements- or even in skincare products. It’s safe to […]
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Yep…. vegan Neapolitan ice cream is a thing. And, even better- it’s super easy to make at home! I stumbled on this recipe when I was trying to mix up a strawberry ice cream dupe. When I added cacao, I was thinking more chocolate covered strawberry meets strawberry sorbet. But when I gave it to […]
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Habits… good or bad- we all have them. And over the last two months in quarantine, it kind of feels like this isolation time has been one big magnifying glass for those habits, right? I think this mainly comes from so many distractions that have been removed. No more commuting, no traveling, no parties, no […]
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Focus & productivity can be kind of a tricky thing, right? ENTER: Lion’s Mane. ???? Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar- you know that you have things you want to accomplish, goals you want to crush, and you know you need to focus and be productive to crush them. But then when you sit […]
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You want the coffee but also feel like caffeine makes you a little cray in quarantine? I get it. My love affair with coffee runs strong, but I’ve also realized how drinking so much of it was making me feel. Jittery. Anxious. Sometimes sweaty. Sometimes I’d even feel a high and low from it. Not […]
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Yes, a bubble gum smoothie is really a thing and it’s insanely good! I’ve made this about 4 times over this last week and I still can’t freaking believe that it’s made with dragonfruit and banana. What’s dope about that is that dragonfruit is loaded with fiber and nutrients. So you’re getting that bubble gum […]
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I don’t know about you, but I’ve been getting super creative with how I’m getting groceries lately. Being quarantined kinda has a way of doing that to you, right? I ordered from Thrive Market for the first time a few weeks ago and ended up loving the experience. It did take a little bit longer […]
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I’m psyched to have my good friend Zaneh on the blog today! I met Zaneh a few years ago when my parents first moved to Florida. I found out about a local yoga studio having a yoga class in the park and decided to go. I got to the park where class was being held, […]
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So excited to have my good friend and green skincare enthusiast Sarina Elaine on the blog today to talk about how to switch to clean beauty! I met Sarina a few years ago, on a women’s mastermind call. After lots of story swaps of business up’s and down’s, personal challenges, and all the wellness stuff […]
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Are the holidays not some of the best times of the year?! There’s something so magical about turning off everything- work, your phone, distractions and just spending time relaxing with the people you love. I always get way too into planning, making, and obsessing over my family’s holiday dinners. I’m not sure why. Thanksgiving and […]
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We all want better sleep, right? You know the kind of sleep that allows us to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, happy, and ready to take on the day. Sleep has been one of my main health focuses in the past few months. I noticed the less that I paid attention to how […]
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