How I Started to Freelance Social Media Marketing


So, you have a job that you’re not really digging and you’re interested in doing something completely different, but you have no idea where to start?

I get you. And I have been there.

I also didn’t know how I change jobs, industries, and my career in the direction that I wanted it to go. But I eventually found my way. Step by step…

Where I Started

My first job out of college was an admin assistant at a pharma company. I never planned to work in the industry. It just kind of happened. (My degree was in Nutrition.) A friend that I had graduated with who worked at the company told me about an opening. I had been living with my parents and my time limit for being an unemployed collage grad was quickly expiring… So… I applied.

6 years later, I was still working in pharma, QC’ing R&D process documents, and hating every second of it.

Don’t get me wrong, I worked with some pretty awesome people over those 6 years. But I wasn’t fulfilled by the work that I was doing. I was a creative in a non-creative environment. I wasted a lot of time. And I really didn’t have anyone to blame but myself for doing it for six years.

I was lazy. I didn’t look for other opportunities. I didn’t make an attempt to get another job, switch industries, or throw myself into finding something else. Until one day it hit me.

The Turning Point

I looked at the people in the positions above me and asked myself if I would want to be in their shoes. My answer was no. So, if I had no interest in moving up, what the hell was I still doing there?! ????

I also asked myself how I would feel if I was doing the same thing a year from then, or 5 years from then. And that was the answer lit me up inside. I had to make some moves.

In a movie, I would have gotten up and walked out at this point. But it wasn’t a movie and I had bills to pay. So instead, I started trying other things on the side in my free time….

How I Changed Career Paths

I created a fashion blog, and then a vegan food blog, and then started a T-shirt eCom store with my boyfriend. I started getting interested in social and did it for free for a local spin studio. I poked around at things until something sparked. ⭐️

Something did spark when I was working with the spin studio. I fell in love with social media marketing. Something about the sense of community, the creativity, the inifinite possibilities to grow and build on social did it for me.

So I strategized and marketed the spin studio for free for a year, gaining experience, going to spin classes and creating a brand on social for their business. And then I left my corporate job.

Poking around, trying things and working for free got my feet wet. It gave me experience which allowed me to eventually get paid to do social when I left pharma.

If you’re interested in trying something new- DO IT! Get your feet wet. Work for free. Get experience. LEARN.

You’re giving yourself a serious gift by doing this- a chance to do something you love.????

If you’re interested in a more flexible freelance lifestyle, check out how I left my job and started freelancing.

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