Detoxifying Green Juice (that tastes good)


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We’re starting a new series here on the blog today and it’s all about JUICE.

I know, I know- juice gets a lot of hype but is it worth the cost/hassle/time it takes to actually do it?!

You gotta have a juicer (or get crafty with a blender and strainer), prep the produce, make the juice and then clean up. And when you’re running around, busy AF, that whole process can definitely seem a little… daunting.

After a lot of test runs and experimenting with juicing, and I will shout this from the rooftops, juicing is freaking incredible.

Why juice?

Yes, there are so many benefits nutritionally- the vitamins, the phytonutrients, the antioxidants, the minerals- but my favorite part of juicing is really just the way I feel waking up with it.

It’s just pure clean ENERGY. Like a beautiful burst of energizing plant nutrients that make you feel so alive in the morning- no caffeine needed. Kinda magical right?

Why does juicing get a bad rap?

There’s been a lot of back and forth about whether juicing is good or bad because you’re removing the fiber from the whole food, which is true. (And I definitely think you gotta do you and figure what makes you feel the best.) 

Personally, I know that drinking a green juice first thing in the morning (after lemon water and a workout) literally makes me feel like I am bouncing off the walls, which is exactly why I wanted to share this go-to recipe for Detoxifying Green Juice. It’s quick and easy to make, and it actually tastes so freaking good too!

What kind of juicer to use?

If you are new to juicing and looking for an entry-level juicer, I love my OG Breville. We use this one at my mom’s house and it’s been working like a champ for like 7+ years. 

What benefits have I experienced?

I can’t prove this, but I swear green juice has helped me clear my skin, gotten rid of headaches and just restored my health when I haven’t been feeling my best. And bonus- it’s also super energizing in the morning. 

So, on a typical day-to-day basis, whether it’s straight celery juice or this detoxifying green juice, you can find me drinking this green drink first thing morning. 

I like to have it on an empty stomach before any food and give it about 15-30 minutes to digest.

It’s alkalizing, detoxifying, and energizing and it will make you feel so LIT UP first thing in the morning. Enjoy!

Detoxifying Green Juice

This quick and easy green juice (that tastes good too!) will help to detoxify the body, combat inflammation, and give you a burst of pure energy.
Servings: 1 person


  • 1 head celery
  • 1 granny smith apple
  • 1 knob ginger
  • 1 cucumber


  • Prep ingredients. For this recipe, other than washing everything, I really only prep the celery by cutting the ends off (but keep the leaves!).
  • One by one, add all ingredients to your juicer and juice.
  • Drink immediately or store in an air-tight glass container until ready to drink.



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And get the deets on celery juice here.

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