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You want the coffee but also feel like caffeine makes you a little cray in quarantine? I get it. My love affair with coffee runs strong, but I’ve also realized how drinking so much of it was making me feel. Jittery. Anxious. Sometimes sweaty. Sometimes I’d even feel a high and low from it. Not […]
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There are so many amazing knowledge-building resources out there: books, podcasts, audiobooks, blogs, social media… this list definitely does not stop there. When I’m running, have a long car ride, or getting ready in the morning, I love listening to podcasts and audiobooks. My favorite topics range from business to marketing to healthy living to […]
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Happy 2018! This time of year always seems to bring out some major feels. Either reflecting on the year we just said goodbye to or getting pumped for the year in front of us, January feels like the perfect time to reflect, reevaluate and get inspired. Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? Have […]
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Have you ever fallen into the I-need-coffee-in-the-morning-to-function rut? If yes, me too! And that’s really not fun (and almost annoying) to be completely reliant on a stimulant to wake up. So, if you’re game, I have a challenge for you. Try this three ingredient (five minute) smoothie for breakfast for five days straight without coffee. […]
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One thing I’ve realized which is crucial to eating healthy while on the go is to ALWAYS PACK SNACKS! It takes about 10 minutes at night to set yourself up for success the next day. Here’s a few tips on how to pack a vegan lunch.
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Happy holidays! Before I get into the plant-based vegan holiday meal prep details, I wanted to let you know that I’ve created a new YouTube channel which will be completely dedicated to plant-based food!(YouTube username: Lauren Vacula) I’ll be posting gluten-free plant-based recipes, tips and tricks, thoughts, and plant-based travel finds on this channel and I […]
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