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I go back and forth between drinking coffee and cycling off of caffeine (I drink this latte when I’m taking a break), but you better believe when I am drinking coffee- I’m drinking coffee with added adaptogenic benefits! Coffee is this beautiful thing that I think most of us have some sort of relationship with. […]
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Overnight oats that are also packed with superfoods!? Let me introduce you to Maca Overnight Oats… Do you ever really crave something comforting in the morning for breakfast? Like on some days- a smoothie feels incredible. But then there are those other days… The kind of days when you just want something that feels comforting […]
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This post has been a long time coming. As a lover of hot drinks while working, I’ve struggled with that 3pm workday *what should I drink right now* zone. For me, 3pm is way too freaking late to drink caffeine. Whenever I’ve done this, I end up rolling around in bed at night cursing myself […]
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Maca came into my life when I was researching caffeine-free energy substitutes for an afternoon drink. I wanted something that I could have after 3pm that was tasty, healthy, and wouldn’t keep me up until 3am. What I found was maca. It has a sort of butterscotch-caramel-nutty flavor that works really well in smoothies. And […]
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Green smoothies can be kind of intimidating at first. (The same goes for a green smoothie bowl!) The first time I ever tried a green smoothie I was (for sure) expecting it to taste like grass. Surprisingly (but not really at all)- the way your green smoothie tastes completely depends on what you put into […]
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Over the past few months, I’ve been trying to curb my sugar addiction. The first step was to cut out any white refined sugar in my diet. I switched to more natural sugars like maple syrup and coconut sugar for awhile, but I’ve noticed that as I was still making baked treats and granola with these […]
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Happy Friday! Let’s talk about how good this superfood smoothie tastes for an early Friday morning breakfast. Refreshing, energizing, and filling, this baby leaves you feeling ready to take on whatever lies ahead of you for the weekend. Hopefully that includes some fun things?! Superfoods (including blueberries, kale, and acai berries) win their super title […]
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Every time I eat mango, I notice how filling it is. (I also notice how ridiculously good it is!) That satiated feeling can be attributed to fiber, which the fruit is packed with. This fiber, along with water content, helps with digestion and keeps your system running in tip top shape. Plus, mango contains a substantial amount of vitamin C (hello glowing […]
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Are you into papaya? I never really was just because of my lack of experience with it. The few times I tried it, I wasn’t crazy about the semi-mushy/mealy texture. Feeling experimental recently, I decided to pick one of these tropical fruits up when I saw them hanging out at Trader Joe’s. I then realized I have […]
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Monday’s back, so why not take on the week with some gusto? Maca powder has become one of my favorite smoothie ingredients. It’s a Peruvian root that you can buy at some grocery stores (Wegman’s, Whole Foods) or order online. (It’s expensive, but lasts for a long time.) The root is thought to have many benefits which include increased […]
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